Sunday, August 16, 2015

Time to toddlerize!

I've done it again.... Taken my sweet time moving my little one into a room of their own. The first one took me 3 years to officially move out! They are just so sweet and snugly and there's something so special about being awoken by tiny fingers poking you in the face or little arms squeezing your neck, seriously! My daughter is 18 months old now, and these past few weeks I have felt like it's time for the move to her own room. One problem, it wasn't quite a "big girl" room yet. 

I needed to toddlerize! I first tried to tempt her into her room by removing one side of the crib so she could climb in and out and it could be like a day bed. 

For some reason it just wasn't enough to entice her to want to sleep there, although our generalized playtime increased in her room after that point. I reorganized and hung up her "big girl" dresses and set out the best toys. We even tried both the portable crib rail and the pool noodle taped to the mattress, but I just didn't feel right about trying to make her sleep in her room yet. 

Luckily for me, my recent JBF consigner drop off caused me to stumble upon the most adorable toddler bed. It wasn't just the bed, it was also the great deal I got on it that made it all come together! 

I drove home with my toddler bed in the back and a full tank of motivation to get her room toddlerized and ready! 

We cleaned and organized the closet!

We switched around the setup a bit....

And tonight my sweet girl has officially fallen asleep in her own room...though it took quite a few more rounds of,"You are my sunshine," than usual. I'm kind of sad, but I know this will be good for all of us! 

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