Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Seusstastical play date!

We've been stuck in the house for close to two weeks now due to the snowy weather. I decided we needed something to take our minds off of the terrible weather. I called all my mommy friends and we got the kids together for a special Seusstastical play date! I had been web surfing out of sheer boredom when I came across and announcement for Dr. Seuss's birthday March 2nd. I absolutely love Dr. Seuss and so do my little guys so I figured why not make this a theme for our play date??? I went out and bought a new printer (I've been needing one for a while). Printed out some great free printables from and busted out my crafting supplies and creative juices! I will say listening to the mob from the Lorax sing "Everybody needs a thneed," was probably the best motivation!

I started by hanging a white plastic tablecloth behind my table thinking I might do a streamer background or balloons or a bunch of tissue pom poms. After finishing a few tissue pom poms I realized it'd take forever to do what I envisioned originally. Then I realized that the one's I had finished resembled Truffula Trees. I decided I'd stick them on the backdrop then free hand some trunks with a sharpie! I added the quote next, then printed out my little Lorax and viola!

I realized how cool it is to free hand on white plastic tablecloth. I felt like an artist ( I can barely draw anything recognizable on a normal day) so I took another and decided to make a place for a photo op. I free handed the window from The Cat in the Hat. Then printed out his hat and things 1 & 2. I added a couple tissue pom poms some streamer and it turned out pretty cool! I then laid out a red blanket and put all of our Dr. Seuss plush animals ( all from Kohls Cares for Kids,) and a lot of the Dr. Seuss books from our collection and made a reading nook! I remembered we had a couple cute fold out chairs I could fold out to resemble the chairs that the children sat in by the window in Cat in the Hat.

Last but not least an ode to my favorite Dr. Seuss character of all, Horton! I was in the process of figuring out where to put my children's easel when I realized I could use it to display the awesome specks I found at Hobby Lobby! I then added my favorite quote from the book on the dry erase side, and placed Horton on top!

Our food consisted of Barbaloots (chocolate teddy grahams) and Marshmallows, Thing One and Thing Two cupcakes, One fish, two fish, red fish, gold fish (Gold fish), and Cat in the Hat fruit skewers (banana and strawberries). I had cotton candy to put on wooden skewers then stick into a foam block wrapped in lime green tissue paper for truffula trees, but sadly ran out of time.

 We all had a great time. It was especially nice for us moms, most of whom have been cooped up at home or in other cases working long hours and hitting the books hard!

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